
Chia sẻ tài liệu


There's always a first time for everything. We all have to start learning English from scratch and go through different stages before achieving the desired goal of being fluent in the language as an English speakers.

So, there are no people who can't learn English, just haven't found the right way to learn, and that's my story. Please be allowed to tell about how you learned English from The Original Loss. And who am I? Yes, I am the Founder of ORI TOEIC.

I was born in 1989, telling about the year of birth so that you know the period of high school years i.e. from 2004 to 2007, I studied English at school when the Internet was very unpopular in the countryside in My Long An, so almost studying in books and teachers. , then learn. My English is poor, I don't know right or wrong because there's nothing to compare (which I later learned I had learned a lot wrong huhu)

During high school, I went to university in Long An, my hometown, where English was not very necessary in English but still pursued me because it was a compulsory subject, and then continued to study badly. The world of learning English at that time was largely reading, listening to school tapes and then learning grammar, and then getting something to speak. Trying to plow TOEIC, I got 635 points for the first time, but I really don't know what to say.

In the first 03 years of high school and 04 years of university, I still do not know how to be good at English. It's a waste of time, and I don't even feel like I'm learning a foreign language.

After university, my family sent me to Saigon to study English for my plan to study abroad for high school. International environment, it costs 07 courses, each course is more than 20 million, calculates a lot of money, I only progress a little, boldly more than a little and have started to know how to use English - English dictionaries. but.. My English is STILL AVERAGE. As it turns out, no matter how good you study in a place, you don't have the right way to learn it, everything hasn't come anywhere.

It's been a new turning point since I joined the On-Site Study Abroad program. Each subject will have 2 essays, 1,500 words and 2,500 words, and to do the essay, you almost have to read the Lesson Plan yourself and then, based on that understanding, write the essay to the school.

The feeling of being shouted at by my family if I dropped out, I paid for my studies, so I tried very hard to study, study and do my work.. suddenly, his English progressed amazingly and .. I am very good at English in a very natural way, do not force you ah.

Here are the experiences I learned after spending 18 months of my Senior Studies and using English continuously.

1. The process of learning any language in general or English in particular, try to imitate the laws of nature.

That is, no one has ever been born to speak. You have to listen for a while, and strangely, a Vietnamese child who was born in the U.S. speaks English, but is born in Vietnam and speaks Vietnamese. So, first listen a lot, over and over again, and then gradually you know HOW TO SPEAK. While the vast majority of students expect themselves to speak immediately and underestimate listening skills.

2. The more people who read books, the better they have the capital to talk.

Even in Vietnamese, let's not talk about English, the more you read, the more you can get a variety of language and wording.

But reading, it is not possible to pass through the speakers, but to take careful notes, clusters of bees, good sentences to make capital accumulated for yourself.

3. Try to apply what you just learned, the longer you will remember.

I often go online to find English group chats, or write on Facebook status or write example sentences for the vocabulary I just learned. Remember, you study 100% then you only remember 20-30% is too excellent. And English has 25,000 words, just 2000 common words you can understand 80% of common communication in life.

4. After listening well and reading enough to have a rich amount of capital and sentences, now try to communicate and write as much as you can.

Let's create a discipline for ourselves. For example, every day put 10 English sentences, find friends to study and exchange a topic.


After graduating with an MBA (Master of Business Administration) with the topic of opening an English center, I do business with you. Because I understand what it's like to be a person from a countryside, how to lose when you don't have good conditions to learn a foreign language.

And there are also many open centers that teach English, but for those who already have a basic knowledge

So the question here is: PEOPLE who "LOSE THEIR ROOTS", THOSE WHO are LESS ENGLISH, they will have no chance, no one will instruct them to get better?

That question comes from what I experienced in practice, and I decided to set up an ORI TOEIC - An English Center for Native Americans who want to MASTER English not only to have a degree but also to communicate well to Apply for a Job or just to travel abroad to speak English to :D Hehe


So how will a person who has lost his roots learn English?

Vâng mình chia ra làm 03 giai đoạn

Giai đoạn 1 (trong 02 tháng đầu): Lấy lại Ngữ Pháp cơ bản, chú trông câu đơn, học tăng từ vựng và cụm từ khoảng 500 , hiểu các nguyên tắc khi nghe: chỉnh phát âm cho đúng, hiểu luyến âm và âm biến đổi trong câu. Giao tiếp ít.

Giai đoạn 2 (trong tháng thứ 3) : Học ngữ pháp nâng cao, tập dùng câu ghép, học thêm 1.000 từ và cụm từ thông dụng. Hiểu kỹ năng đọc, lấy từ ra áp dụng giao tiếp và kỹ năng đọc hiểu paraphrasing (diễn giải nghĩa theo 1 cách khác). Giao tiếp ít 

Giai đoạn 3 (từ tháng thứ 4 trở đi): Ôn tập các kiến thức đã học trong 03 tháng đầu, tiếp xúc đề thi TOEIC (đây là loại chứng chỉ về Giao tiếp của Quốc tế công nhận, giúp bạn đi xin việc). thành thạo 3.000 từ tiếng Anh thông dụng (trong đó gồm ôn lại 1.500 từ của 03 tháng đầu đã học). Giao tiếp liên tục và có hướng dẫn thêm cả kỹ năng viết. 

+ Buổi sáng : học xuyên suốt từ thứ 2-3-4-5-6/ tuần . Giá khóa học : 2.300.000/20 buổi/1 tháng
Khung giờ : 8h30-10h

+ Buổi tối : 1 tuần học 3 buổi thứ 3-5-7 . Giá khóa học : 1.600.000/12 buổi/1 tháng 
Khung giờ : 18h30 - 20h




Khoá học có 2 dạng lớp:

Cấp tốc sáng: học xuyên suốt thứ 2-3-4-5-6/ tuần. Khoá Toeic Nâng Cao và Giao Tiếp  trị giá 2.300.000đ/20 buổi/1 tháng

Gồm 2 khung giờ:

 8-9:30 AM thứ 23456


10-11:30 AM thứ 23456

Lớp tối : học tuần 3 buổi. Khoá Toeic Nâng Cao và Giao Tiếp  trị giá 1.300.000đ/12 buổi/ tháng

Gồm các khung giờ:

18:30 PM- 20 PM thứ 246


18:30 PM-20PM thứ 357


(*) Giáo trình luôn được cập nhật mới nhất 

(*) Tặng phần mềm luyện ngữ pháp PRO và phát âm trên điện thoại thông minh 



ORI TOEIC có khoá đảm bảo TOEIC 600+ cho học viên có nhu cầu


Đăng ký khoá học ngay TẠI ĐÂY

Hotline tư vấn: 

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Hotline:090 630 33 73
Chỉ đường icon zalo Zalo:090 630 33 73 SMS:090 630 33 73